Shrink-wrapped for 2 matchboxes of an average of 120 matches (53 mm) per single box.
53 X 2.25 X 2.25 mm Aspen/Poplar Splints duly
76 X 55 X 29 mm
Opt1. 463.5 X 323.8 X 460.5 mm
Opt2. 380.5 X 280 X 300 mm / Opt3. 310 X 280 X 440mm
120 match sticks average
Shrink-wrapped for 2 or 3 matchboxes of an average of 250 matches ( 53 mm) per single box
53 X 2.25 X 2.25 mm Aspen/Poplar Splints duly
Carbonized OR
53 X 2.45 X 2.45 mm Aspen/Poplar Splints duly
117 X 66 X 29 mm
Opt1. 241.3 X 206.2 X 254 mm /
Opt2. 205 X 240 X 185 mm / Opt3. 270 X 240 X 275 mm
250 match sticks average
40 long matches (95mm) in box of 24 boxes in tray of 2 trays per carton. 48 pcs in one carton. For
many uses: Decorative candles, BBQ, fireplace etc…
95 X 3 X 3 mm Aspen/Poplar Splints duly Carbonized
110 X 64 X 18.5 mm
Tray size
330 X 260 X 35 mm
355.6 X 80.8 X 266.7 mm
40 match sticks average
Thus, one carton holds 48 matchboxes.
40 Extra Long Matches (170mm) in box of 30 boxes in carton. For many uses: Decorative candles,
BBQ, fireplace etc…
170 X 3 X 3 mm Aspen/Poplar Splints duly Carbonized
182 X 64 X 18.5 mm
203.2 X 184.1 X 185.6 mm
40 match sticks average
Side Friction
40 Grill matches (280mm) in box of 24 boxes in tray in a master carton. For many uses but
particularly for fireplace.
280 X 4 X 4 mm Aspen/Poplar Splints duly Carbonized
408 X 45 mm
Tray size
180 X 180 X 190 mm
289.5 X 203.2 X 292.1 mm
40 match sticks average
One carton holds 24 matchboxes.
40 Extra Long Matches (170mm) in box of 30 boxes in carton. For many uses: Decorative
candles, BBQ, fireplace etc…
Cardboard Outer
Cardboard Inner
170 x 3.0 x 3.0mm Aspen/Poplar splints
dully carbonized
182 x 64 x 18.5 mm
Tray size
200.2 x 181.1 x 30.0mm as in example
203.2 x 184.1 x 185.6 mm as in example
40 match sticks average
Solid/Honeycomb with margin
40/45 long matches (95mm) in box of 24 boxes in tray of 2 trays per carton. 48 pcs in one
carton. For many uses: Decorative candles, BBQ, fireplace etc…
95 x 3.0 x 3.0mm Aspen/Poplar splints dully
110 x 64 x 18.5 mm
Tray Size
330 x 260x 30.0mm
355.6 x 80.8 x 266.7 mm
40/45 match sticks average
Solid/Honeycomb with margin
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